Solutions for telecom operators

Being service providers ourselves we have a wide expertise to share with start-up and specialized providers that wish to efficiently roll-out new services from network & service core to the last mile. Such expertize would be helpful for large operators diversifying their service portfolio.

We also provide consultancy and assistance in licensing and rights management issues.

Our portfolio:

For start-up and specialized service providers:

  • Turn-key network core deployment:

        - service core design;

        - equipment supply;

        - installation & deployment.

  • Global & Public networks uplinks: Internet uplink including direct Russian and UA-IX traffic exchange backbones access; Public Switched Telephone Network.
  • Prompt new service roll-out based on Cosmonova instant outsourcing.
  • As a Local Internet Registry (LIR) we provide Internet resources (Autonomous Systems and IP pools) allocation and maintenance.
  • Complex of measures to perform Ukrtelecom interconnection: assistance in licensing, pool of telephone numbers, project design, equipment, installation & deployment.
  • Design and construction of metro fiberoptic network from technical documentation to final approvals by authorities.
  • Fiber lease and Data transport for quick aerial reach.

For large operators:

  • Parity interconnection.
  • Back-up backbone for Internet, telephony, data transfer and IP television.
  • Last mile subcontracting.
  • IP-videosurveillance for internal security as well as for Internet/Intranet broadcasting.

Our advantages:

Cost saving with resource-intensive services outsourcing.

Metro scale fiberoptic network in Kiev.

Competitive pricing.

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